# Contents of /etc/systemd/system/wipri.service # This is an example file used for adding 2nd service for wipri for ethernet # # Instructions to use this file: # # 1.) Install wipri either as command or boot (for wifi for example) # 2.) Edit this file to change flag (-i is all brands) and eth0 to your ethernet device (eth0 most common) # 3.) Copy this wipri-eth0.service file using command below: # sudo cp wipri-eth0.service /etc/systemd/system/wipri-eth0.service # 4.) Run the following commands to load and enable eth0 randomization at boot: # sudo systemctl daemon-reload # sudo systemctl enable wipri-eth0.service # 5.) Now next time you boot, your eth0 device should be using wipri! # # STOP WIPRI ETHERNET SERVICE: sudo systemctl stop wipri-eth0 # DISABLE WIPRI ETHERNET SERVICE: sudo systemctl disable wipri-eth0 # # DISABLING wipri-eth0 will prevent it from starting next boot. # If you have problems, follow above command to STOP wipri-eth0 to end process # # Have fun! # righttoprivacy[at]tutanota.com # Tutorials / Support: https://buymeacoffee.com/politictech # [Unit] Description=WiPri eth0 Privacy Enhancement # Change mac Before=boot.mount DefaultDependencies=no # Feel free to change wipri commands below to meet your needs/wants [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=wipri -d eth0 -p ExecReload=killall -9 wipri;wipri -d eth0 -p ExecStop=killall -9 wipri Restart=on-failure RemainAfterExit=no [Install] WantedBy=basic.target