added w err nmcli req

RightToPrivacy 2022-09-23 15:45:52 -04:00
parent 58fb36186c
commit f891bee447
1 changed files with 3 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -242,8 +242,7 @@ function signaljumper() {
echo -e "$BLUE setting $netdev tx power: $RED $randtx"
# checks current mac address to be sure firmware didn't change it/crash/set back mac;
# when device is detected to have wrong mac, immediately set back to our valid OUI random addr
# prevent static flag leaks
function maccheck() {
while :
@ -257,10 +256,7 @@ function maccheck() {
# w flag to mitigate wifi SSID probe and other leak possibilities (seemed necessary - set it and forget it) ;)
# This can be used in wipri command, or installed as wipri boot service
# feel free to mix up different flags to run things how you like (don't forget the -d flag to set dev)
### NOTICE: if you use this w flag, be aware it turns wifi radio off if you aren't connected for x min - simply re-enable it if needed
# for w
function watchdev() {
echo -e "${BLUE} Checking $netdev To Protect Against WiFi Saved SSID Probe Req Leaks${ENDCOLOR}\n"
while :
@ -272,7 +268,7 @@ function watchdev() {
if ["$dstatus" != "up" ]; then
echo -e "${GREEN}$netdev${ENDCOLOR} ${RED}NOT CONNECTED...${ENDCOLOR}\n" && sleep .5
echo -e "${BLUE}Turning WiFi Radio $netdev${ENDCOLOR} ${RED}OFF${ENDCOLOR} to prevent WiFi Probe Req SSID leaks${ENDCOLOR}\n" && sleep .5
nmcli radio wifi off || echo -e "${RED}ERR FAILED TO TURN OFF RADIO${ENDCOLOR}\n"
nmcli radio wifi off || echo -e "${RED}ERR FAILED TO TURN OFF RADIO - requires nmcli${ENDCOLOR}\n"
continue 2