Oct 25 Opicaak @Opicaak Please, tell your friends to stop relying on CloudFlare. Why? 1) It's an intercepting proxy. All traffic is logged and shared (sold) to third parties - mainly the feds, 2) CF can inject a malicious payload, 3) CF adds unnecessary captcha to, inc but not limited to, privacy-aware visitors (VPN, TOR), or block them completely, 4) the internet is basically unusable with CF blocking browser addons, 5) If CF goes down, your website will go down, too. And yes, it does happen. #fuck #cloudflare

Updated 2024-01-03 00:01:03 +00:00

Automated Tor Snowflake Proxy Installer (starts every boot under default 'snowflake' user) For Systemd Based Linux Distributions (service). Runs under new 'snowflake' user (nologin), stores logs, upgrade option

Updated 2024-01-18 21:31:49 +00:00

Collection of Frontends / working proxy lists and Tor .onion / .i2p front ends to various services (like Youtube/Twitter).

Updated 2024-05-01 03:31:19 +00:00

Collection of Frontends / working proxy lists and Tor .onion / .i2p front ends to various services (like Youtube/Twitter).

Updated 2024-05-11 03:56:43 +00:00